André Oliveira

Dipl. Civil Engineer UBI

Project manager

André Oliveira specialises in existing building structures. He acquired his expert knowledge in Portugal during his studies to become a qualified civil engineer. After working as a project engineer in Portugal for several years, he moved to Switzerland in 2012 and joined Basler & Hofmann. Today André Oliveira plans and supervises renovations and conversions for a wide variety of buildings. He examines the load-bearing structure of buildings and plans the necessary refurbishment measures. He particularly enjoys complex projects such as hospitals or converting sales centres during ongoing operations. 

What fascinates you about your work?

Renovating and converting existing buildings gives me the chance to work with different construction methods and to experience how building processes and materials change over the years.

What do you find makes a project particularly enjoyable?

It’s really fun when we succeed in solving complex problems in a creative way. A project is simply perfect when I can supervise it through the construction stage and see how plans turn into reality. 

Basler & Hofmann Ltd

Nidfeldstrasse 5

CH-6010 Kriens

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