Behlül Günay

MSc in Real Estate Engineering and Real Estate Management

Head of condition survey

Whether as a passionate chess player or as a portfolio consultant, Behlül Günay knows when to make the right move to achieve long-term goals. He grew up in Stuttgart and graduated from the Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences with a Bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering for Construction and Real Estate. His Bachelor's degree was followed by a Master's degree in Real Estate Engineering and Management at the University of Stuttgart. As a working student, he acquired practical knowledge in facility management and risk management during his studies. Since June 2020, he has contributed his wide range of skills as a portfolio consultant to the Stratus team at Basler & Hofmann.

What fascinates you about your work?

The diversity of our clients' problems – each one has its own unique challenges that need to be tackled together.

What do you find makes a project particularly enjoyable?

When I can develop a vision together with the client and help them to successfully turn it into reality.

Basler & Hofmann Ltd

Forchstrasse 395, Postfach

CH-8032 Zurich

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