Living spaces for today and tomorrow

Our quality of life is closely linked to a functioning infrastructure, comfortable spaces for living, working and living as well as an intact environment. This is what we work for at Basler & Hofmann: we develop resilient and practical solutions in the areas of construction, urban transportation, energy, safety and environmental engineering.
Basler & Hofmann in figures
Founding year
Number of employees
Company locations
Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Slovakia, Singapore
Quality and environmental management
ISO 9001 and ISO 14001
Investment in innovation
Around CHF 1 million per year
Amongst others:, SIA, NNBS, BuildingSmart, Bauen digital Schweiz, Europengineers
An independent family business

Basler & Hofmann AG is a family business and is owned by the Basler and Hofmann families. Members of the families are active on the boards of directors of the family holding company and its companies and are committed to upholding the legacy of the company fathers. Their concern is the long-term well-being of the companies.

Stable development
founded in 1963, our company history is characterized by continuous, stable growth. For us, this is not an end in itself, but results from our willingness to quickly take up new requirements from our customers and society and thus continuously expand and renew our expertise. As a family business, we have the freedom to invest in the future for the long term.
Committed to the company
The two shareholder families have set out their basic understanding in a family charter. The overriding "imperative" is the long-term competitiveness of the company and the long-term safeguarding of jobs. The families see themselves as part of Basler & Hofmann's community of values, in which working together as partners plays a central role.
Celebration of the company's 60th anniversary in September 2023 at the Kongresshaus Zurich with the owner families, Board of Directors, Executive Board, employees and partners.
Our commitment to sustainability

The needs of Environmental Engineering and society have a high priority in our projects. We want to develop solutions that we can pass on to future generations with a clear conscience. We set a good example in our own company.

Holistic solutions
As a sponsor of the Swiss Sustainable Building Network (NNBS) and an initiating member of the Swiss Sustainable Building Council (SGNI), we are committed to sustainable standards in planning and construction. We are committed to economically, ecologically and socially balanced solutions and provide our clients with holistic advice. In our consulting and project work, we proactively draw our clients' attention to issues such as life cycle costs (LCC), recycled materials and deconstructability.
In harmony with the environment
We are ISO 14001 certified and carry out a life cycle assessment every three years. Today, we obtain the majority of our energy for our five office buildings from renewable sources. To reduce the environmental impact of commuting, we encourage our employees to use public transport, among other things.
Socially committed
As a leading civil engineering and consulting company, we pass on our know-how to university students and apprentices. We share our knowledge in national and international industry associations such as FIDIC, Europengineers,, BuildingSmart and the SIA. We have also been able to support people in need with our expert witness on several occasions, e.g. in the reconstruction of schools in Haiti or as water supply specialists in various African countries.
An attractive employer for all
We want committed employees and offer a wide variety of working time models. It goes without saying that everyone at our company receives the same pay for the same work, as has been confirmed several times by the independent accountancy firm BDO. We are committed to having more women in management positions. We employ people of different backgrounds and ages. Our young employees benefit from the many years of experience of our corporate mentors, some of whom continue to provide advice and support even after they have retired.
Sustainable building: For us and our customers

With our office buildings, we have been pioneers in the field of energy on several occasions. One of our buildings was the first Minergie office building in the canton of Zurich. This was followed by the first office building with an underground storage tank that can be operated almost energy self-sufficiently. We are just as happy to pass on the experience we have gained with our office buildings to our customers as we are our knowledge of sustainable building, which has continuously expanded over the years - from sustainability certifications and circular economy in civil engineering to operational optimizations for industry.

On the road with a pioneering spirit

Innovations are essential for designing sustainable living spaces. As a leading company, we proactively initiate change and lead the way with new ideas. We are in close contact with research and boldly break new ground in pilot projects with customers or within the company itself.

Research meets practice
Many of our employees are involved in teaching at universities. As a company, we support visionary research initiatives. These currently include a strategic partnership with "Design++", ETH Zurich's research center for augmented computational design, and our involvement in the "Sweet Edge" consortium, which is researching decentralized renewable energy. We help spin-offs to flyover their developments into real projects. Thanks to our close contact with universities, we are able to identify promising new technologies and processes for our clients at an early stage.
Partner for pilot projects
In the past, our office buildings have repeatedly been "development laboratories": from the installation of innovative energy systems to the first construction site completely without printed plans to parametric planning, we have tried out a number of things "on our own". Anyone entering uncharted territory does not yet know whether there is a way forward. We are therefore particularly pleased when our customers venture into new territory with us, such as an invitation to tender directly from a digital model or the construction of a photovoltaic system on a noise protection structure. Together, we gain important insights for the future.
The "Future Tree" outdoor pavilion spans the terrace of our office building in Esslingen. We realised the tree-like structure as a pilot project for parametric planning with researchers from ETH Zurich.
Shape the future with us.
Organization and management
The Basler & Hofmann Group is part of the B&H family holding company. Each company operates as an economically autonomous and legally independent unit. Our customers benefit from the broad expertise and lively exchange within the Group and from the specific market knowledge of our local representatives.
To the Executive Board of Basler & Hofmann AG