BIM planning

From planning to execution and operation: Basler & Hofmann uses Building Information Modeling (BIM) along the entire lifecycle of buildings and infrastructures. We have experience of working with a wide range of different planning approaches – from Open BIM to Big Closed BIM. We carefully tailor the scope and the specific planning approach for the use of BIM to the requirements of the building owner. Our BIM specialists work with professional BIM authoring software. All our specialist disciplines work jointly on the same model, thereby ensuring that high quality standards are maintained throughout the entire project. Costly mistakes and potential collisions between individual subsections are already identified and eliminated at the planning phase.

Our services

  • Modelling of new building projects
  • Preparation of inventory models with laser scanning and drone assistance as the basis for renovations and conversions
  • Specialist models for civil engineering projects (e.g. planning of load-bearing structures or building services engineering) and infrastructure (e.g. service pipes or BSA)
  • Model-based simulations (e.g. energy simulation or evacuation routes)
  • Visualisation of digital twins with virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR)
  • Quality assurance through rule-based requirement checks (e.g. collisions, distances and model quality)
  • Product-oriented BIM planning: Integration of manufacturer data in the models
  • Migration of model data to databases (CoBie, SQL, Oracle etc.)
  • BIM2Field and BIM for pre-production: preparation of the model for paperless construction sites and/or digital prefabrication
  • Preparation of BIM models for operation and facility management
  • Integration of ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT) applications and BIM
  • Development of innovative, customer-specific BIM applications

A pioneer of integrated digital planning and construction

From our own pilot projects as well as external pilot projects like our eGHA office building in Esslingen or the Eigenheimstrasse residential street redevelopment in Küsnacht, we have learned what integrated digital planning and consultancy means for all project participants and what advantages arise from this new way of working. As a member of buildingSmart International, we play an active role at international level in the development of open data standards for planning, construction and management/operation processes in buildings and infrastructures.

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Related areas of expertise

Tunnels , Structural engineering , Building services , Bridges , Railway stations , Geotechnical engineering , BIM consultancy , Digital services