PV along highways: Supplement for the construction of photovoltaic systems on noise barriers

In Switzerland, solar systems have so far been installed almost exclusively on buildings. In future, existing infrastructures will also be increasingly used. The federal government is making areas on noise barriers and rest areas along freeways available free of charge for this purpose. Basler & Hofmann has been awarded the contract for two lots as a member of an Energy 360° consortium.
The two allocated lots cover areas on a total of 117 noise barriers in northern and eastern Switzerland. The consortium consisting of Energie 360°, Helion Energy and Basler & Hofmann will now be able to plan photovoltaic systems on these over the next three years and obtain the necessary building permits. Basler & Hofmann will contribute its many years of experience in planning infrastructure projects to the team as overall management. Helion Energy will realize the plant. Energie 360° is acting as the client and will one day market the electricity generated or use it for its renewable energy and mobility solutions.
Plenty of untapped potential for photovoltaics on Infrastructure
A total of 350 noise barriers and 100 rest areas throughout Switzerland were invited to tender by the Federal Roads Office (Astra). These were grouped into 15 lots according to geographical criteria. Within the deadline, 33 applications were received for the lots. Clarifications by the federal government have shown that around 55 GWh of solar power per year could be produced along motorways. A further 46 GWh could be generated along railroad lines. Together, this corresponds to the annual electricity consumption of around 22,000 households.
Media release from Helion Energy with report in the SRF Tagesschau