Anna-Lena Burren
Portfolio Management Consultant

Anna-Lena Burren is a geographer and completed her master’s degree, specialising in geoinformation systems, at the University of Zurich. During her studies, she was involved in research projects, including site analyses for renewable energies. Since 2023, she has been applying her data-driven approach and special interest in sustainability topics in her role at Stratus. This includes further development of sustainability features and advising clients in portfolio management, particularly professional real estate investors.
Stratus aims to make the building sector in Switzerland more sustainable. The concrete implementation poses a challenge, but we can support portfolio managers on this journey. I enjoy being involved in this process.
When the work is interdisciplinary. Collaboration enables everyone involved to extend their knowledge horizons and often to make new and exciting acquaintances. Ideally, this leads to innovative ideas that can make a valuable contribution to future projects.