Martin Schmidlin
Environmental and biosafety expert

Martin Schmidlin is environmental safety and biosafety officer at Basler & Hofmann. He specialises in the enforcement of hazardous incident, containment and release ordinances, and in biosafety and biotechnology projects. While still writing his dissertation, Martin Schmidlin began his professional career as a biosafety manager at the Institute of Medical Microbiology at the University of Basel. This was followed by periods as a research assistant at the biosafety laboratory of the Cantonal Laboratory of Basel-Stadt, and as an inspector of biological and chemical safety at the safety inspectorate for the canton of Basel-Landschaft. In this role he was responsible, among other things, for the canton’s strategy towards alien species.
When unexpected solutions are found through constructive collaboration.
Musician. Trying out new possibilities with other musicians and achieving common goals through personal contributions.