Alte Forchstrasse Küsnacht: general overhaul

The Alte Forchstrasse showed numerous signs of damage and the sewer system and service pipes were also in need of repair. The entire road cross-section therefore needed to be repaired. Basler & Hofmann took on the role of project author for the construction documents and model as well as site supervision and construction supervision in the TU model.
A particular focus was placed on the resource-saving use of materials: by optimizing the sewer and utility trenches, large quantities of excavated material - and therefore costs - could be saved. Sewer encasements and trench backfilling were constructed using liquid soil - a backfill material that consists mainly of existing soil. In a separate study, real construction site data was used to prove that CO₂ emissions could be reduced by around 50 percent compared to conventional trench backfilling. Recycled asphalt with an increased RC content was also used.
Our services
- Checking concept design and feasibility
- Project planning Construction documents
- Modeling of execution model incl. contractor variant
- Modeling as-built model and construction site documentation
- Processing construction and traffic phases
- Coordination with works and third parties
- Project management / coordination
- Site supervision / construction supervision