ZHAW: Explosion protection for laboratories and pilot plants

As part of the preliminary and construction project phase for the new construction of the ZHAW Campus-T in Winterthur, we supported the project in dealing with hazardous substances in the storage rooms, laboratories and technical center. We supported the client, the general planners and the consultants to ensure that the planning for the rooms in which hazardous substances, liquids with dangerous explosive atmospheres or powder dusts are handled complies with the law and is safe. Due to recurring rescheduling, areas and rooms that had already been assessed and defined had to be reassessed and solutions found for them. These services were important in order to obtain the building permit for the major project.
Our services
- Checking the lists of hazardous substances
- Explosion protection concept
- Explosion protection documentation
- Ex zone plans
- Technical advice for client, general planner and consultants