Resource-saving efficiency for the new St. Gallen State Archives
![[English] Wettbewerbsgewinn Staatsarchiv St. Gallen Visualisierung](/fileadmin/user_upload/basler-hofmann/Impulse/News/24-01-11_WBW_Staatsarchiv_StGallen_Visu.jpg)
Together with Richter Tobler Architects, Basler & Hofmann won the competition for the new State Archives of the Canton of St.Gallen. The consistently sustainable approach of the PAPER LANDSCAPE project was well received by the jury. Basler & Hofmann is responsible for the structure and geotechnics. In the jury report, the proposal for the underground storage building was judged to be "extremely innovative".
The State Archives of the Canton of St. Gallen are currently spread across three locations in the city of St. Gallen and are to be concentrated at a new location in future and given more space. To this end, the Waldau Study Center of the "OST - Ostschweizer Fachhochschule" at Schönauweg 4 is to be converted and extended. The renewal of the existing building envelope, taking into account the heritage assessment and the requirement for exemplary treatment of Environmental Engineering, make the publicly tendered project challenging. The jury was unanimous in its decision. The winning project was the best overall solution to the task and impressed with its consistently sustainable approach and an extremely innovative proposal for the new underground magazine building.
![[English] Wettbewerb Staatsarchiv St. Gallen Visualisierung](/fileadmin/user_upload/basler-hofmann/Impulse/News/24-01-22_WBW_Staatsarchiv_StGallen_visu2.jpg)
Innovative for sustainability
The winning project PAPER LANDSCAPE aims to merge architecture with nature. This is reflected both in the transformation of the existing building and in the 5-storey, underground new construction of the magazine. The entrance area of the magazine is subtly and elegantly recognizable above ground through a vaulted earth relief. The vaulted roof that gives it its shape is realized with a material-friendly structure. A detailed life cycle assessment ensures that the sustainability targets are met. The partition walls made of clay bricks also reduce embodied energy and ensure a constant indoor climate. All of these approaches contribute to the new building's low life cycle costs and significantly reduced greenhouse gas emissions.
Exhibition for the public
All 13 projects submitted for the architectural competition are currently on display in the main post office library in St.Gallen on the 3rd floor, Gutenbergstrasse entrance. From January 9 to 19, the exhibition can be viewed Monday to Friday from 4 to 7 pm and on Saturday from 10 am to 1 pm.
![[English] Holzbau - Future Tree Esslingen](/fileadmin/user_upload/basler-hofmann/Impulse/News/24-04-30_Holzbau_Studie_FutureTree_Esslingen.jpg)