Bring your ideas to life with us

Working at Basler & Hofmann has many facets. On the one hand, it means exciting projects and challenging tasks. It means inspiring and collegial teamwork with specialists from a wide range of disciplines. And it means being recognized as a person and being encouraged in your own development.
Shape the future with us.
We in numbers
Number of employees
Part-time employees
Proportion of women
Internal training hours per year
15 000
Coffee consumption per year
13 500 litres ≈ 79 bathtubs
"I particularly appreciate the collegial environment at Basler & Hofmann. As a young professional, I was able to take on responsibility early on. If I have any questions, the doors of my colleagues are always open."
Andrea Stadelmann, Project Engineer Structural Engineering
An attractive working environment
Flexible working hours
Our employees have a high degree of time autonomy and can organize their working hours largely independently. We work with annual working hours and are open to a wide variety of part-time models - ideally, however, it should be at least 60 percent. Overtime can be compensated by time off in consultation with the team.
Career and family
In order to reconcile work and family life, a corporate culture that actively supports this compatibility is needed in addition to flexibility in the organization of working hours. At our company, "family part-time" is part of everyday life for both men and women and in all functions.
Professional and personal development
We are looking for employees with initiative who want to develop themselves further and are open to new tasks. That is why we attach great importance to opening up individual perspectives: with new tasks in the project or in another specialist area, with our Academy or with external further training.
Exchange and cooperation
Our project work thrives on the exchange between disciplines, between young and experienced experts and between different approaches. We have plenty of opportunities to meet new people: every day in the canteen and cafeteria, on office excursions, departmental outings or sports events. All these activities help you to quickly feel at home.
"By working on challenging projects, exchanging ideas with experienced colleagues and taking part in targeted training courses at our in-house academy, I was able to develop from clerk to team leader."
Silvan Nigg, Team Leader Transport and Spatial Planning
What is important to us - Our corporate culture
The team is the star
Team spirit is very important to us. The focus is on joint success and everyone does their best to achieve it. This is often a challenge: especially in interdisciplinary teams, it can happen that one's own "ideal" solution has to be reconsidered. A willingness to engage in dialog, curiosity and perseverance pave the way.
Trust and support
We live a culture of trust based on open and honest dealings with one another. Our employees perform their tasks with a great deal of personal responsibility and a high level of quality awareness - and can rely on the fact that they have support, especially in difficult moments.
The project at the center
The project is at the center of our thoughts and actions. The project teams are put together in such a way that the technical requirements are optimally fulfilled - regardless of our organizational structure. We work together across departments and in very flat hierarchies. Project management plays a central role and has a great deal of creative freedom.
Challenging tasks
The more complex, the better - that's how many of our employees think. We enjoy challenging tasks that really push us to the limit. We promise our customers outstanding services. The knowledge potential available at Basler & Hofmann is enormous. Thanks to our interdisciplinary project teams, our open doors and numerous exchange platforms, anyone and everyone can access it.
"I have a lot of creative freedom in my work. As a client consultant, I benefit from the wide range of specialist disciplines that I can draw on within the company."
Madlen Steinert, building consultant
We promote commitment and new ideas

Today's business world is fast-moving and complex. As a leading company, we want to proactively initiate change and lead the way with good ideas. We welcome employees who contribute to the value creation and development of the company with an entrepreneurial mindset and innovative spirit.

We like to be beginners
We actively engage with social and technical developments. We look for challenges and actively expose ourselves to new topics and experiences. We probe, explore and carry out experiments. We also gain important insights from detours, mistakes and failures and use them to learn as much as possible.
Room for new ideas
We give committed employees the opportunity to help shape the future of the company. We welcome the ideas and initiative of each and every individual and create the freedom to realize ideas. New and further developments have the same value for us as customer projects. Anyone who presents a convincing concept receives an innovation budget.
"Generalists and specialists, strategists and doers complement each other here and create a working atmosphere that is simply fun. As a family man, I appreciate the flexible working environment and a team that stands up for each other."
Alexander Kupfahl, Senior Expert Renewable Energy
Internships for students

Still studying, but keen to gain practical experience? We offer open internships for students of all engineering and planning disciplines. As an intern, you will be part of a project team, can work on your first tasks independently and also go out onto the construction site.


The internships last between 3 and 12 months, depending on the area of work.



Your contact persons

Do you have a question about the application process or would you like more information about working for us? We will be happy to help you.